motivating your support team

Nudging Support Teams to Excellence: A Blend of Art, Science, and Real-World Wisdom

Ever pondered what fuels the fire in the belly of top-tier support teams? It’s not just about answering calls or emails. It’s about crafting experiences that stick with customers, turning them into vocal advocates for your brand. But here’s the kicker: motivation is more elusive than trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. Yet, thanks to some bright minds in psychology and folks in the trenches like Craig Stoss from PartnerHero, we’ve got a roadmap to bring motivation front and center.

The Essence of Motivation: From Science to Practice

motivating your support team

1. Meaning in Every Interaction

Craig Stoss, with his rich background from PartnerHero, reminds us that seeing the human behind every support ticket is crucial​​. This perspective isn’t just feel-good advice; it’s about recognizing the impact support reps have with every call, email, or chat. By understanding the stakes involved, reps can find a deeper sense of purpose in their daily grind.

Crafting Meaningful Moments:

  • Orientation with Purpose: Stoss emphasizes starting the journey right by defining the stakes during onboarding, making sure new hires grasp the human element behind each interaction.
  • The Power of Advocacy: Reminding reps of their role as customer advocates during transitions reinforces their impact on the company’s direction.

2. The Freedom to Solve

Autonomy is a potent motivator. It’s about letting reps own their solutions, guided by their insights rather than a rigid playbook. This freedom not only fosters innovation but also empowers reps to deliver personalized solutions.

Autonomy Unleashed:

  • Flexible Guidelines: Adopting guardrails over strict policies offers reps the latitude to navigate customer issues creatively.
  • Empowering with a Budget: Following the advice of experts like Nykki Yeager, giving reps a discretionary budget for customer solutions can enhance their sense of autonomy and responsibility.

3. Recognize and Celebrate

Acknowledgment fuels the human spirit. In the world of support, a simple ‘thank you’ or public recognition can turbocharge motivation, making reps feel valued and seen for their contributions.

Celebrating the Wins:

  • Public Praise: Leveraging platforms like Slack for public acknowledgments amplifies the positive impact on morale.
  • Tangible Rewards: While verbal praise is vital, occasional tangible rewards for going above and beyond can also be a significant motivator.

4. Beyond Gamification: Impact Matters

Craig Stoss’s experience points to the limitations of gamification, suggesting a focus on genuine impact rather than competing for points​​. Real motivation stems from making a difference—solving real problems for customers and the business.

Creating Impact:

  • Leveraging Automation: Automating mundane tasks frees reps to engage in more meaningful, creative problem-solving.
  • Encouraging Role Diversity: Allowing reps to explore different tasks prevents job stagnation and promotes a richer work experience.

5. Continuous Feedback Loop

The journey of motivation is ongoing. By actively seeking and listening to feedback, managers can adapt and refine strategies to keep motivation alive and well.

The Power of Listening:

  • Open Dialogue: Regular check-ins and open channels for feedback ensure that reps feel heard and supported, allowing for adjustments and growth opportunities.

Wrapping Up

Motivating a support team is an art flavored with science and a sprinkle of real-world wisdom. By focusing on meaningful interactions, autonomy, recognition, impact, and continuous dialogue, we can create an environment where support reps don’t just work—they thrive.

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