A humorous depiction of the evolution of messaging from an old mobile phone with SMS to a modern smartphone with RCS, and finally to a high-tech gadget with an OTT app.

From SMS to RCS and OTT: How Do Operators Monetise the Messaging Ecosystem?

  • Evolution of messaging from SMS to RCS and OTT.
  • Challenges faced by operators in monetizing messaging.
  • Strategies operators use to generate revenue from messaging services.
  • Future trends in the messaging ecosystem.

From SMS to RCS and OTT: How Do Operators Monetise the Messaging Ecosystem?

The world of messaging has drastically evolved, but operators are still scratching their heads on how to make money from it. Let’s dive into this conundrum.

The Evolution of Messaging

The journey of messaging started with the humble SMS, which was simple and universally adopted. However, as user demands for richer communication grew, SMS started showing its limitations. This led to the advent of RCS (Rich Communication Services), which aimed to provide a richer experience with features like multimedia sharing, group chats, and read receipts. Yet, RCS adoption has been slow, partly due to the rise of Over-the-Top (OTT) services like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat, which offer these features and more, often for free.

Challenges in Monetizing Messaging

Operators face several challenges in monetizing messaging services. Firstly, the competition from OTT players is fierce. OTT services have a massive user base and offer features that traditional SMS cannot match. Secondly, the cost of implementing and maintaining RCS is significant, and without a critical mass of users, the return on investment is questionable. Lastly, user preferences have shifted towards OTT apps due to their enhanced functionalities and global reach.

Strategies for Monetization

Despite these challenges, operators are exploring various strategies to monetize messaging:

  1. Bundling Services: Combining messaging services with data plans or other value-added services to create attractive bundles.
  2. Business Messaging: Providing A2P (Application-to-Person) messaging services for businesses to communicate with customers, such as notifications, alerts, and marketing messages.
  3. Partnerships: Collaborating with OTT players to integrate their services within the operator’s infrastructure, potentially sharing revenue.
  4. Advanced Features: Offering exclusive features on RCS, such as high-quality video calling and secure communications, to differentiate from OTT services.

Future Trends

Looking ahead, the messaging ecosystem is poised for further transformation. The integration of AI and machine learning can enhance messaging services, making them smarter and more responsive. Additionally, the growing focus on security and privacy will drive the development of more secure messaging platforms. Operators who can adapt to these trends and leverage new technologies will be better positioned to monetize their messaging services.


The journey from SMS to RCS and OTT has been fraught with challenges, but operators are finding innovative ways to stay relevant and profitable. By embracing new technologies, forming strategic partnerships, and focusing on customer needs, they can continue to thrive in the ever-evolving messaging ecosystem.

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